The Project

Welcome Back! It’s a year since "Best Things" began and now, in 2000, we are bringing you "The Project." It is something different, something new and it involves your favourite characters and allows you to get to know them better. "The Project" is our friends, all of them, the boys, the girls as well appearances from Dan, Charlie, Justin, Margo and others. "The Project" is there e-mails, letters, diaries as well as moments of there lives.

We hope that this will build on the experiences of "Best Things" and bring you closer to the characters. And ideas, comments, hints are welcome at the usual email address We, after long deliberation, are inviting you to help us out, so if you feel that we have missed something and think that Keryn should have written that letter to Justin and told him what she really thought then write that that letter, email it to us, and if we think it works then it will be posted (along with credit for you.) So now enjoy, get involved and welcome to 2000, we know its going to be a good one.

-Keryn and Kayla

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