Keryn & Charlie's Emails
24 June 2000

Dear Keryn,

I am writing to you because it seems that Kayla really truly hates me. She hasn’t returned one of my emails. And I have sent practically one a day. I feel like I’m in the stupid Dawson’s Creek finale that you two were so obsessing about and I didn’t get the girl. The whole concept of being likened to Dawson is actually starting to freak me out. But realistically I didn’t want it to end up like this and I just want some contact from her to know that everything is okay. I can’t believe you will all be on tour until the end of October, that is ages. It is practically a lifetime.

On a lighter note, I had some mates around the other night just to hang and eat pizza and I met this guy. Justin. He says he was a friend of yours? Anyways he dropped around to see you in the middle of my party so I invited him in, you know your friends are mine and all. But yeah he seems cool, a tennis player eh? Impressive. I don’t know where you and Kayla pick up such weird friends. I still haven’t got the full Dan story.

Well, yeah, that’s it really, just checking in. Give me a phone or email with news, and get Kayla to email me or something. Thanks Kezz,


Charlie, Just a quick note. We are all fine. The answers to all your not-so-subtle questions in your email.

1. Kayla doesn’t hate you, she just hasn’t been near a computer and hasn’t had the time to phone. But she talks about you like an old friend, so don’t worry, there is no rough ground or anything.

2. She and Ike are just starting to talk again, so I wouldn’t worry about the getting together in a hurry. Anyways I think she is soooooo over him.

3. Stay away from Justin. He is bad bad baaaaaddddd news. I’ll fill you in later.

4. Don’t bring up Dan, what you know will never hurt you. Trust me on that one.

Yeah well I shall try and phone you asap, the tour is going off. These chicks that are after my guy are so scary. Seriously they are unrelenting. Some came in for a backstage meet and greet thingo and were throwing dirties at Kayla and I who were making sure Mackie and Zoe were eating all their dinner. We looked very convincingly like nannies and we still got the nasty looks. But yeah, Taylor and I are better than ever, thanks for asking. Just kidding.

Talk to you later okay,




Yeah Justin has turned odd. He is always knocking on the door now. Wanting to know where you are. I told him you were touring the splendour of this country we live in, which isn’t really a lie. So I think he will back off a bit. Thanks for the warning. Where is my phone call? I want to know everything, sorry about not asking about you and your man, I just assumed everything was... well, peachy.

I have an audition tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow is my day? Wish me luck,

Speak soon,


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